Training of TVET Instructors in Don Bosco’s Pedagogy for 21st Century
The Provincial Development Office (PDO) – AFE Province, through the Provincial Youth Delegate office, has organized a four-day training for Don Bosco TVET trainers on the Don Bosco’s Pedagogy for 21st century. The training is being held in Nairobi and has brought together 45 instructors from the five Don Bosco TVET Centres in Kenya: Nairobi, Makuyu, Embu, Kakuma and Marsabit. It is facilitated by Rev. Dr Sahaya G. Selvam – PYD AFE Province and Mr. Ngure Githinji.
The objectives are to build a greater sense of belonging among the instructors of Don Bosco TVET institutions in Kenya to the Don Bosco educational culture; create awareness of the history of Don Bosco and his educational system, highlighting its relevance to the TVET sector in Kenya in the 21st century and equip them with pedagogical concepts and strategies relevant to the 21st Century: multiple intelligences, technology enhanced learning, information literacy, service learning, learning management system and more.
The facilitators are using a manual developed by Don Bosco Tech Africa which integrates three major thematic areas:
- Don Bosco and the Salesian Educative Mission
- Salesian Approach to Educational Ministry
- Education in the 21st Century
Addressing the participants, Fr. George TJ Director Don Bosco Tech Africa accentuated that Salesian pedagogy is appreciated and applied by many around the world. It is also important in preparing youngsters for life while keeping in mind the fast changes in technology.
On his part, Fr. Selvam stressed on the greatness of the Salesian pedagogy and the importance of preparing the students for the 21st century job market.
Prior to this training, a training of trainers for the Provincial Youth Delegates was held at the Salesians of Don Bosco Provincial House, Kigali, Rwanda Kigali in September 2022.
Don Bosco’s Pedagogy for the 21st Century is a project of Don Bosco Tech Africa (DBTA), under the Global Programme (GP), funded by BMZ through Don Bosco Mondo.