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JSO – Life Skills Training Workshop

JSO – Life skills Training Workshop

On 28th June 2019, sixteen participants drawn from Democratic Republic of Congo, Ethiopia, Congo Brazzaville, Kenya, Benin, Mali, Rwanda, Uganda, Cameroon, Chad, Madagascar, Angola, Mozambique, Nigeria, Malawi and South Sudan completed a one week Life skills training which was conducted by CIE Thabiso Skills Institute at Salesians of Don Bosco Centre in Iju, Lagos.

The training which began on 21st June, 2019 with the aim of equipping the Job Service Officers with life skills covered various topics including building a learning environment, developing trusting relations, team building, motivation and problem solving, decision making, effective communication skills, and Gender, equality.

The program had various learning methods which included lectures, group discussions, role plays and group projects.

In his address during the opening ceremony DB Tech Executive Director, Fr George TJ, urged all participants to take the training seriously as it is connected with the mission of Don Bosco Tech Africa. He also added that life skills training workshop will equip them with skills to effectively accompany the youth to the world of work.

Fr. Tony Oche, Delegate AFW Province, appreciated the administration of DBTA, for organizing this life skills training. At the end of the training, the participants were awarded with certificates.

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