Transforming TVET for successful employment and quality of life for youth in Africa
After an intensive five days of great discussions and deliberations the Don Bosco Tech Africa Annual Stakeholders Assembly (ASA) came to a closure on 24th March 2023 at Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Various presentations on the above mentioned topic were covered during the meeting, presented by speakers from International organizations, government, industries, Salesians, non-governmental organizations, donors and beneficiaries.
In his presentation on the importance of data guided by a good information management system, Fr. Dindo S. Vitug, Director Don Bosco Tech ASEAN, presented the Right Process Framework that elaborates why data is important. The process framework has four stages; Right Information, Right Strategies, Right Decisions and Right Results. Having truthful and useful data will help in making the right decisions and in the end get the best and desired results. He emphasised on the importance of considering data as an essential aspect in our ministry. He also underscored the need to have a paradigm shift and embrace the changing times as we carry out our mission for the young people.
Fr. Jose Lorebeth from the Youth Ministry department in Rome elaborated on the role of Pastoral Youth Ministry in transforming TVET for successful decent work. TVET is a mission of the Salesian Youth Ministry. Fr. Jose explained four important elements of the Salesian Youth Ministry which are; the Mission, the Educative Pastoral Community, the Vision, and Animation. He reminded participants that we not only prepare our students for work but also prepare them to be good Christians and upright citizens. The ministry envisions the youth to be the leaven that will transform the family, the community, the Church, the industry, and society.
Other presentations included; how TVET can engage key partners like chambers of commerce for the development of TVET, disability inclusion in TVET, the collaboration between the government of Tanzania and Don Bosco, the experiences of industries with Don Bosco graduates, importance of renewable energy and why it should be adapted, sharing of best practices on renewable energy and Don Bosco graduates sharing experiences in the world of work.
A panel discussion on how Africa can strategize herself and make TVET a Transformative agent for the social and economic development in the continent and the world was held. In this discussion Fr. Franck Ametepe Province TVET Coordinator (P-TVET) of AON Province elaborated on the issue of migration of young in West Africa. Creation of decent work, networking and creation of employment at local levels will minimize migration. Young people at the TVET centres need to be encouraged to be entrepreneurs. Fr. Sahaya Selvam Provincial Youth Delegate (PYD) AFE Province discussed issues of knowledge management and knowledge worker. He underscored that a TVET graduate being a knowledge worker helps in entrepreneurship, ergonomics and efficiency. He also urged all to create a culture of data analysis which will help in TVET development and service delivery.
Ms. Sonia Degroote from European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) gave a step by step guide of how Don Bosco Institutions and communities in Africa can acquire Participant Identification Code for European Union to make them eligible for funding for EU projects.
One topic that has been greatly discussed since the emergence of covid-19 is TVET resilience. Mr. Joshi Manish from UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training gave an elaborate presentation on this and also how Don Bosco TVET centres could be part of UNEVOC.
During the meeting participants discussed in their respective province groups the aspects within their TVET that require transformation. They also developed action plans which they will implement back in their provinces.
In his closing remarks, Mr. Steffen Möhlendick Project Manager Public Cooperation Partners – Don Bosco Mondo, emphasised on the important of networking and partnerships. He urged all present to be more aggressive and collaborate with governments in their respective countries and industries which will give them opportunities to be part of policy discussions. This will also open a lot of employment and scholarship opportunities for the young people. He also underscored the importance of data and reminded all to conduct tracer studies which will give room for feedback from Don Bosco graduates and industries. Mr. Steffen expressed his joy to see Don Bosco graduates being invited to the meeting to share their experience in the world of work.
Fr. George Tharaniyil Director Don Bosco Tech Africa echoed the words of Mr. Steffen on the importance of data as it will help make quality decisions that will develop our TVET centres. He urged all to enrich their animation in the provinces and enhance service delivery. “Let us follow the footsteps of our father John Bosco who was always ready to do anything for the salvation and welfare of the young people. Build partnerships and networks, plan and move forward, exploit opportunities and choose whatever is best for the young people based on research and data.” he concluded.
The culminating point of the conference was the launch of the Don Bosco Tech Africa E-library and the launch of the second edition of the Job Service Officers’ Quality Manual.
The meeting was moderated by Br. John Njuguna Deputy Director Don Bosco Tech Africa assisted by Mr. Jean Nepomuscene Project Officer Don Bosco Tech Africa.
Don Bosco Tech Africa remains committed to skills development and transforming TVET in Africa for successful employment and quality of life for youth.