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Be Part Of The Solution Not Part Of The Pollution

Be part of the solution not part of the pollution

Each year the world generates over two billion tonnes of waste. Trash clogs our oceans, fills our streets and litters huge areas of the planet. Waste and over consumption are both contributors to the climate crisis. If we continue to live the way we do now, the equivalent of almost three planets would be needed by 2050 to provide the natural resources. To tackle this global problem through education, Don Bosco Tech Africa, with support from the BMZ and Don Bosco Mondo, initiated the Green TVET project to tackle among other things waste management in Don Bosco TVET centres in Africa. Since its inception in 2019, thousands of young people have joined the clarion call promote circular economy through the Green Clubs.

For instance, young people in Kenya today are acting as the driving force for change; be it in the climate movement, plastic collection drives, tree plantations, or mobilization to solve the garbage crisis. Young people at Don Bosco Boys Town Technical Institute – Nairobi conscious of their environment and the negative impacts of indiscriminate disposal of waste within and outside the centre held a clean-up event on July 15,2022. The objective of this event was to raise awareness on proper waste management in the centre and the surrounding communities. In the end, the students appreciated the efforts of the centre management And Don Bosco Tech Africa in conserving and protecting Mother Earth.

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