Don Bosco Tech Africa Hosts Worlddidac Association Delegation
Nairobi – Kenya: Africa has a large population of young people and the potential to drive socio-economic development of the continent. However, this can only be achieved through effective education and skilling of the youth. Strategic discussions and partnerships among like-minded organizations are pivotal steps toward achieving these initiatives.
In line with this, Don Bosco Tech Africa hosted a delegation from the Worlddidac Association, as well as representatives from renowned organizations such as Rhein Koester, Festo, DB Gangoda Associates, EDIBON, and Lucas-Nuelle International, in a significant step toward boosting skills development in Africa.
The meeting focused on the advancement of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) through the integration of cutting-edge technologies. Issues on how Don Bosco TVETs and the Worlddidac Association members can work together in the advancement of TVET in Africa, promoting long-term positive impact on youth development and contributing to sustainable socio-economic growth were discussed. Strategic partnership with these organisations will lead to the designing of Don Bosco Advanced TVET Academy, Don Bosco TVET School of Digitalisation, establishment of Centres of Excellence, Joint Proposal and Project Fundraising, design a framework for working with development partners and donors to build the capacity of Don Bosco trainers, Management of TVET Institutions, Business Sector Cooperation, Qualification of TVET personnel, Greening TVET, internship and employment opportunities of trainees and exchange programs for Don Bosco Trainers.
Don Bosco Tech Africa together with these organizations believe that uniting their expertise and resources will lead to economic, social and environmental development in Africa.