A Journey towards Internationalization
The seminar was held in Brussels from 28th February to 2nd of March 2023 and the theme of the seminar was: “A journey towards Internationalization”.
The seminar featured an interactive discussion on networking, funding opportunities and internationalization. Participants in groups focused on key priorities of Erusmus Programme and shared best practices on Green TVET and Sustainability, Digitalization and Technology, Entrepreneurship and Inclusive vocational Excellence.
Among the keynote speakers were Mr. Nicholas Ouma, Senior Youth Advisor at the Africa Union Commission Department of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (ESTI), Mr. Nicola Bellomo- Head of Pan-African Affairs Division (Africa.1) at the EEAS, Ms. Sussanne Nielsen – Human Capital Development Expert at the European Training Foundation (ETF), Ms Rita Festi – Project Manager at Scuola Centrale Fromazione (SCF), Ms, Unami Dube Mpofu- Head of Unit Skills and Employment for Youth and the African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), Mr. Theador Grassos – Secretary General at EVBB, Mr. Roland Farkas – Project officer at Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA), Mr. Micro Trielli and Ms. Annet Wiedermann both of YES FORUM, Mr. Alfredo Garmendia head of International Department at San Viator among other speakers.
Fr. George Tharaniyil, Director Don Bosco Tech Africa and Mr. Jean Nepo the Project Officer Don Bosco Tech Africa attended the seminar.
The main host was European Association of Institutes for Vocational Training (EVBB) and European Forum of Technical and Vocational Education and Training (EFVET) and was promoted by San Viator and Asociacion Mundus.